Florida Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement Templates

Florida Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement Templates

For Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in Florida, establishing a collaborative practice with a physician is guided by specific processes outlined by the Florida Board of Nursing.

The Florida Board of Nursing provides detailed information on the requirements and steps for setting up a collaborative practice, available here.

Additionally, a template for creating a collaborative practice agreement, called an APRN Protocol, is offered by the Board. This template is designed to help NPs and their collaborating physicians structure their partnership and ensure all necessary components are included.

Florida Collaborative Agreement Template

Florida Collaborative Agreement Template

The template can be downloaded here.

Is a collaborative practice agreement required in Florida?

Yes, Florida requires that a nurse practitioner must have a collaborative practice agreement with a physician licensed in Florida. FL Updated Standards for Protocols: Physicians and ARNPs

Florida NPs can achieve independent practice after 3000 clinical hours within 5 years. Fla. Stat. § 464.0123(1)(c).