Forms & Hiring Tools

STEP 1: Hiring Departments: Please submit your online request to hire by using the following Google Doc Request Forms:

The request forms below include New Hires, Returning, Rehires, Additional job, and Transfers.

STEP 2: If the requested hire was not part of a recruitment, please send the files listed below to your requested hire. Have the new hire complete these forms and submit them to HR prior to the start date.

STEP 3: Provide the appropriate Hiring Guide to your potential employee:


Offboarding Employees

STEP 1: Supervisors: Please submit your request by using the Google Doc link below to start the process of exiting your employee :

STEP 2: Once added to Avature, you will receive email notifications for tasks that need to be completed.

Other Human Resources Forms

Tax Forms

For Supervisors: Forms for Employee Accidents or Injuries

Forms for Classified Staff Performance Management:

Professional Development Requests