Identifying the Author's Purpose

This lesson gives students foundational skills needed to identify the author's purpose in a variety of texts. Use the lesson as a stand alone or as a pre-lesson to What Were They Thinking?

Download lesson plan This lesson can be used as a pre-lesson for the What Were They Thinking? lesson plan .
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This lesson can be used as a pre-lesson for the What Were They Thinking? lesson plan .



Students will be able to explain the idea of an author’s purpose and analyze texts to determine whether the author writes to persuade, inform, or entertain the reader.


Students will be able to distinguish facts from opinions and orally identify the author's purpose in short text selections using strategic pairing and sentence stems.


Frayer Model Fact or Opinion Sentences Author’s Purpose Task Cards Vocabulary Cards: Identifying the Author's Purpose Glossary: Identifying the Author's Purpose Write Student-Facing Language Objectives Reference Teach Background Knowledge Template