Residence is a great way to make the most of your first year. Instant friends from around the world. Your meals taken care of. Proximity to class, the gym, the library. What could be better?
An amazing environment to call home
Our students live on the Loyola Campus and the Sir George Williams Campus in the heart of downtown Montreal.
Budget according to your room type and factor in the mandatory meal plan.
Residents share their experience of living on campus.
What's next once you have a spot? Here's how to get ready to move into your new home.
Wondering what to pack first? Here's some advice to make moving out fast and easy.
Looking for somewhere a place over the summer? Grey Nuns offers summer stays.
a page in a notebook and other students study nearby" />
Officially the best student city in North America, with a low cost of living, a vibrant cultural scene and an open, inclusive environment.