Pan card application for oci

Ph: 646-589-0088 & 516-206-1483

Q: I am a person of Indian origin as my parents were born in undivided India before partition. After partition, they briefly held Pakistani citizenship before moving to the United States. Am I eligible for an OCI card ?

A: No. If the applicant, or his/her parents or grand-parents have ever been a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh, he/she will not be eligible for an OCI card.

Q: I am a Person of Indian Origin currently living in a USA. Where should I apply for an OCI Card? What are the documents required? How long does it take for issue of the Card?

A: Applicants residing any part of Jurisdiction of CGI New York can file their OCI Application with CKGS at the following address. For details, please refer to the website of CKGS ( It normally takes about 4-5 weeks for issue of an OCI Card (excluding CKGS mailing time).

Q: I hold a valid PIO Card. Am I required to convert this to an OCI Card? Will my PIO Card be valid beyond the conversion deadline?

A. Yes, the date for submission of applications for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of PIO card online has been extended till 31 st March 2019.

Q: What is the procedure to convert a PIO Card to an OCI Card? How much time does this take?

A: Apply online for conversion of your PIO to OCI Card on CKGS website ( It will take around 5-6 working days (excluding CKGS mailing time)

Q: Is a Renunciation Certificate compulsory before I apply for an OCI Card? What is the procedure to apply for a Renunciation Certificate? How long does it take to issue it?

A: Yes, a Renunciation Certificate is compulsory before applying for an OCI card. You can apply for renunciation certificate through CKGS website. It takes 5-6 working days to issue Renunciation Certificate (excluding CKGS mailing time).

Q: Can I travel to India with just my OCI Card, or should I also carry the passport which contains the ‘U’ Visa (OCI Visa)?

A: No need to carry the passport which contains the U visa, Vide circular No. 26011/06/2015-OCI dated 29 th January, 2015 of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has decided that, all immigration authorities in India will not insist on production of the foreign passport containing the 'U' Visa Sticker in the case of OCI Cardholders while they enter/exit India and the immigration clearance will be granted based on production of just the valid OCI card, accompanied by a valid passport (which may not have the U visa sticker).

Q: My spouse is a foreign national of non-Indian origin. I hold an OCI Card. Is my spouse entitled to an OCI Card? What about my children?

A: Yes, the spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an Overseas Citizen of India cardholder registered under section 7A and whose marriage has been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the application, can apply for an OCI card. Minor children whose both parents are citizens of India or one of whose parents is a citizen of India are eligible to apply for an OCI Card.

Q: Are foreign military personnel of Indian origin eligible for OCI cards?

A: No, foreign military personnel either in service or retired are not entitled for grant of OCI. No person who has earlier served in a foreign military organization is eligible for an OCI card.

Q: What are the situations for which re-issue of an existing OCI card is necessary?

A: In case of issuance of new passport:

a. For an applicant who is 20 years of age or younger, OCI documents must be re-issued each time a new passport is issued.

b. For an applicant who is 50 years of age or older, OCI documents must be re-issued once after the issuance of a new passport.

c. If the OCI card is issued for the first time after the age of 50 years, then there is no need for re-issuance of OCI.

d. For an applicant who is 21 to 49 years of age, there is no need to re-issue OCI documents each time a new passport is issued. However, if the applicant desires, he/she can request that the OCI documents be re-issued so that the OCI documents reflect the correct passport number.

Q: What are the benefits available to an OCI Card holder?

A: An OCI card holder gets the following benefits:

Q: What are the benefits to which an OCI card holder is NOT entitled to?

A: The OCI Card holder is not entitled:

Q: Can an OCI Card holder renounce his OCI status?

A: Yes, he/she has to declare their intention of renunciation in Form XXII to the Indian Mission/Post where OCI registration was granted. After receipt of the declaration, the Indian Mission/Post shall issue an acknowledgment in Form XXII A.

Q: I have a valid OCI Card and a valid foreign passport. Is there any minimum validity specified for my foreign passport?

A: You will be allowed entry into India if you have a valid OCI Card and a valid foreign passport, with a minimum remaining validity of six months. You do not need to carry the old passport on which your "U” (OCI) Visa was stamped, if that happens to be different from your current passport.

Q. Can foreign nationals, who are not otherwise eligible for OCI, get OCI if they are married to persons who are eligible for OCI?

A. Yes, the spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an Overseas Citizen of India cardholder registered under section 7A and whose marriage has been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the application.

Q. Are Minor children eligible for OCI Card?

A. Yes, minor children whose both parents are citizens of India or one of the parents is a citizen of India are eligible for OCI Card.

Q. Whether civil Govt. servant working in Ministry of Defence as IT engineers/civil contractors entitled for OCI?

A. No

Q. Who can avail the OCI Miscellaneous services?

A. Only a registered Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card holder can avail the OCI Miscellaneous Services.

Q. Under what circumstances can the OCI Miscellaneous services be availed?

A. OCI Miscellaneous services can be availed for re-issuance/issuance of duplicate OCI Registration Certificate and Visa in the following category of cases:

(i) In case of issuance of new passport.

(ii) In case of change of personal particulars viz. nationality etc.,

(iii) In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate/visa.

(iv) In case of filling of wrong personal particulars while submitting online applications viz. name, father’s name, date of birth etc.,

(v) In case of manually filled in applications (discontinued now) mistakes have been committed by the Indian Mission/Post/Office while entering the personal particulars.

(vi) In case of change of address/occupation

Q. How to avail the OCI Miscellaneous services ?

A. The services can be availed by applying online on CKGS website (

While applying online select reissue of OCI and desired Miscellaneous service under this. After online application please submit physical copy of application along with required documents to CKGS center by Walk-in or Mail.

Q. What should be done for issuance of duplicate OCI Card in case of loss of OCI Card?

A. In case of loss of OCI documents, file a complaint with the Police authorities. Apply online for reissue of OCI under lost category through CKGS. Please submit physical copy of application along with required documents (including Police Report) to CKGS center by Walk-in or Mail.

Q. I have recently acquired a new passport; do I need to re-issue my OCI card?

A: OCI Card renewal is only required once after acquiring a new passport after turning 20 years of age

nd Floor, 235 West, 23 rd Street, New York-10011.

Ph: 917-444-7911 & 917-444-7752

Q: I am a person of Indian origin as my parents were born in undivided India before partition. After partition, they briefly held Pakistani citizenship before moving to the United States. Am I eligible for an OCI card?

A: No. If the applicant, or his/her parents or grand-parents have ever been a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh, he/she will not be eligible for an OCI card.

Q: I hold a valid PIO Card. Am I required to convert this to an OCI Card? Will my PIO Card be valid beyond the conversion deadline?

A. Yes, the date for submission of applications for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of PIO card online has been extended till 31 st December 2021.

Q: Is a Renunciation Certificate compulsory before I apply for an OCI Card? What is the procedure to apply for a Renunciation Certificate? How long does it take to issue it?

A: Yes, a Renunciation Certificate is compulsory before applying for an OCI card. You can apply for renunciation certificate through VFS website. It takes 2-3 working days to issue Renunciation Certificate (excluding VFS mailing time).

Q: Can I travel to India with just my OCI Card, or should I also carry the passport which contains the ‘U’ Visa (OCI Visa)?

A: No need to carry the passport which contains the U visa, Vide circular No. 26011/06/2015-OCI dated 29 th January, 2015 of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has decided that, all immigration authorities in India will not insist on production of the foreign passport containing the 'U' Visa Sticker in the case of OCI Cardholders while they enter/exit India and the immigration clearance will be granted based on production of just the valid OCI card, accompanied by a valid passport (which may not have the U visa sticker).

Q: My spouse is a foreign national of non-Indian origin. I hold an OCI Card. Is my spouse entitled to an OCI Card? What about my children?

A: Yes, the spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an Overseas Citizen of India cardholder registered under section 7A and whose marriage has been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the application, can apply for an OCI card. Minor children whose both parents are citizens of India or one of whose parents is a citizen of India are eligible to apply for an OCI Card.

Q: Are foreign military personnel of Indian origin eligible for OCI cards?

A: No, foreign military personnel either in service or retired are not entitled for grant of OCI. No person who has earlier served in a foreign military organization is eligible for an OCI card.

Q: What are the benefits available to an OCI Card holder?

A: An OCI card holder gets the following benefits:

A multiple entry, multi-purpose life-long visa for visiting India.

Exemption from registration with local police authority for any length of stay in India.

Parity with Non-resident Indians (NRIs) in respect of economic, financial and educational fields as per the relevant Acts, except in relation to acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.

OCI can be used as identity proof for application of PAN Card and driving license as well as for opening a bank account if the OCI card holder is residing in India.

Q: What are the benefits to which an OCI card holder is NOT entitled to?

A: The OCI Card holder is not entitled:

Q: Can an OCI Card holder renounce his OCI status?

A: Yes, he/she has to declare their intention of renunciation in Form XXII to the Indian Mission/Post where OCI registration was granted. After receipt of the declaration, the Indian Mission/Post shall issue an acknowledgment in Form XXII A. Renunciation of OCI

Q: I have a valid OCI Card and a valid foreign passport. Is there any minimum validity specified for my foreign passport?

A: You will be allowed entry into India if you have a valid OCI Card and a valid foreign passport. You do not need to carry the old passport on which your "U” (OCI) Visa was stamped, if that happens to be different from your current passport.

Q. Can foreign nationals, who are not otherwise eligible for OCI, get OCI if they are married to persons who are eligible for OCI?

A. Yes, the spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an Overseas Citizen of India cardholder registered under section 7A and whose marriage has been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the application.

Q. Are Minor children eligible for OCI Card?

A. Yes, minor children whose both parents are citizens of India or one of the parents is a citizen of India are eligible for OCI Card.

Q. Whether civil Govt. servant working in Ministry of Defence as IT engineers/civil contractors entitled for OCI?

A. No

Q. Who can avail the OCI Miscellaneous services?

A. Only a registered Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card holder can avail the OCI Miscellaneous Services.

Q. Under what circumstances can the OCI Miscellaneous services be availed?

A. OCI Miscellaneous services can be availed for re-issuance/issuance of duplicate OCI Registration Certificate and Visa in the following category of cases:

(i) In case of issuance of new passport (refer to the condition according to one’s age)

(ii) In case of change of personal particulars viz. nationality etc.

(iii) In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate/visa.

(iv) If wrong personal particular is filled in the online application viz. name, father’s name, date of birth etc.

(v) In case of manually filled in applications (discontinued now) mistakes have been committed by the Indian Mission/Post/Office while entering the personal particulars.

(vi) In case of change of address/occupation

Q. What should be done for issuance of duplicate OCI Card in case of loss of OCI Card?

A. In case of loss of OCI documents, file a complaint with the Police authorities. Apply online for reissue of OCI under lost category through VFS. Please submit physical copy of application along with required documents (including Police Report) to VFS center by Walk-in or Mail.