The Registration Of Titles Act

CHAPTER 230: An Act relating to the transfer of land and registration of titles. Commencement: 1 May, 1924.


The Uganda Land (Amendment) Act, 2010

January 3, 2017

The Land Act Chapter 227

January 3, 2017

Buganda Land Board introduces Electronic Identification Cards for Tenants

March 1, 2017

The Registration Of Titles Act

January 3, 2017


All land needs to be registered – Land Probe Commission recommends.

The Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2018

Women and Land Ownership in Apac

The History of Land Ownership in Uganda: Who is responsible for.

LANDwatch is powered by LANDnet Uganda, a value network comprising a range of stakeholders acting together with the aim of having a significant effect on. Read more

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