Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A: The 58th Idaho Legislature passed, and the Governor signed, the Idaho Contractor Registration Act, which required contractors to be registered by January 1, 2006. The Act requires registration, not licensure.

The State of Idaho has created these registration requirements in the interest of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of Idaho’s public. The law provides a mechanism to remove from practice those incompetent, dishonest, or unprincipled practitioners of construction. The Idaho Contractors Board will enforce the requirements and will adopt and implement new rules to do so.

Q: Who must register?

A: Any person who engages in a construction job with a dollar amount exceeding $2000.00 (materials & labor) and is not otherwise exempt (The exemptions are listed below);

Q: How do I register?

A: You must complete a registration application(available by mail or on the web), provide the requested documentation and pay a fee. The application requires the submission of supplemental documents that must be received before your registration can be considered.

Q: What information does the application require?

A: The following information must be provided:

Q: Who approves the applications?

A: The Idaho Board of Contractors. The Board consists of five members who are appointed by the Governor. The Board is made up of four members who are contractors, and one member of the public at large.

Q: Once I am registered, what do I need to do?

A: You must prominently display your registration number, within 60 days of registration, at your place of business and jobsite, and on all advertising, contracts, building permits, letterheads, purchase orders and subcontracts.

Q: How often do I have to renew my registration?

A: Initial registrations will be valid for 12 months after your next birthday. Renewal will be required annually. Each registrant will receive a renewal notice approximately six weeks before the expiration date printed on the registration card. Active members of the military may be eligible for a waiver of renewal fees and other renewal requirements; see Idaho Code 67-2602A.

Q: What if I am not exempt and I practice without a registration?

A: If you fail to register and practice, the following penalties apply:

Q: What happens if other contractors on the job are not registered?

A: If there are other contractors, subcontractors or persons performing construction on the job, you must obtain “satisfactory proof” that everyone you engage on the job is registered. Failure to do so violates the Act. You could also lose your lien rights. If you work for, or supply materials to, someone that you know is not registered even though they should be, you lose your lien rights.

Q: How can my registration be revoked?

A: Your registration can be revoked for many reasons. The more pertinent reasons are:

Q: Are there disclosure laws for contractors?

A: Yes. Idaho law requires general contractors to provide certain disclosures to owners and purchasers of residential real property. The Idaho Contractors Board provides the following guidance to registered contractors to facilitate compliance with Idaho law:

Section 45-525(2), Idaho Code requires a general contractor to provide a disclosure statement, prior to entering into a contract in excess of $2,000 with a homeowner or purchaser of residential real property to construct, alter or repair any improvements on residential real property, or for the purchase and sale of newly constructed property. The general contractor must also obtain and retain a receipt for the disclosure, signed by homeowner or purchaser. The statement must include the following disclosures:

Disclosure Upon Completion

Section 54-525(3), Idaho Code requires a general contractor to provide to a homeowner or purchaser of residential real property an additional disclosure statement, within a reasonable time either (1) prior to receipt of final payment from the homeowner or purchaser for construction, alteration, or repair of any improvement of residential real property, or (2) prior to closing on a purchase and sales agreement with a prospective purchaser. The following requirements apply:

Pursuant to Section 45-525(4), Idaho Code failure to provide the disclosures required by Idaho Law constitutes an unlawful and deceptive act or practice in trade or commerce under the Idaho Consumer Protection Act, Chapter 6, Title 48, Idaho Code. The Board may discipline a registered contractor for a violation of the Idaho Consumer Protection Act pursuant to Section 54-5215(2)(b), Idaho Code.