Do not make an e-Check payment if any of the following apply to you:
In these situations, contact the Treasurer's Office to make a payment arrangement or with additional questions.
Note: Before making an e-Check payment, read Enhanced e-Check Enrollment.
The bill number you use for a Real Estate taxes e-Check payment is different than the bill number you would use for a credit card payment. Please refer to your bill for instructions on how to find the proper bill number to use with each payment method.
Once payment is made via Official Payments, call the Treasurer's Office at 757-382-6281 with the payment confirmation number in order to have the collection action(s) released.
The fee for Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes is 2.4%. Read our credit card guidelines for a schedule of non-tax convenience fees. A 2.2% convenience fee is charged on all card transactions made at any Treasurer's office locations.
Once you enroll, you will have immediate access to all of your tax bills.
Registering to use the e-Check program allows your tax bills to be viewed online. To register for this service, visit the e-Check payment portal and follow the instructions under "Register." Once registration is complete, bills can be viewed and/or paid online.
Use of Limited Transaction per Month Accounts (i.e., Money Market Accounts)
Ensure that you are not using a limited transaction account (i.e., money market with a six-transaction per month limit). Consult with your financial institution before using a limited transaction per month account. Each bill payment will be considered a separate ACH transaction; therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that transaction limits are not exceeded. Additional fees may be assessed by the City if payments are declined by your financial institution due to exceeding these limits.
Please verify with your financial institution that you are using the correct account number for electronic check payments. Sometimes, the account number on your check is different than the one needed for electronic check processing. Additional fees may be assessed by the City if payments are returned due to account number errors.
Schedule a payment plan by first saving a payment method (ACH routing transit number and account number). Please note before a payment plan is successfully in place the Treasurer's Office must be contacted first. This is to ensure the arrangement is for an acceptable amount and paid within a reasonable amount of time.
Scheduling your payment with the wrong date (specifically the year) does not alleviate penalty, interest, or late fees. It is your responsibility to ensure that the payment is scheduled for the correct date.
Samples of Bills Indicating Bill Number Locations
For these bills, use the regular invoice/bill number when entering the payment number.
These bills have special instructions for entering the invoice/bill numbers for payment. Please check the samples before paying the bill.
Enter your parking ticket number and zip code to look up and pay tickets online.
For a water lien payoff amount, email our office.